How to share a story?
Stories are shared through narrative interviews, live storytelling methods, or via digital StoryPoints (which are often used). Through a StoryPoint, you can record or type a story if you are using a smartphone or tablet. If you fill out a form in the StoryPoint via a computer or laptop, you can type only.

A story is an account of events that prompts you to wonder what will happen, and you find out by reading the story. To wonder what will happen, there must be a tension between two or more possibilities. Aristotle referred to this tension as the contrast between potentiality (what could happen) and actuality (what happens). Some accounts of events are not stories —for example, lists of things that happened on different dates or places where you stopped on the way to the coast—so if there is no uncertainty, there is no story. Uncertainty is the reason why stories attract and engage us.

In the ideal situation, multiple perspectives are represented by multiple stories. For example, in a health organization, health professionals as well as patients share stories using a StoryPoint that is designed to meet the context in which the stories occur.

To be able to learn and improve, we go through a cycle. We call this cycle of sharing-insight-deciding-evolving, the StoryCycle, because the stories of people are at its core.

Through a series of work sessions with individuals familiar with the context, a StoryPoint is developed and constructed.

We learn as much from positive stories as we do from negative ones. Both types of stories are necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding. In practice, both positive and negative stories are shared.

All stories are included in the dashboards and remain fully accessible within them. The trends from the dashboard provide us with a better understanding of developments over an extended period. Every story is valuable in this regard. The accumulation of similar stories provides a solid foundation for devising collective or preventive solutions.

Yes, in our StoryPoints, we do not ask for data that can be traced back to an individual. We request that people refrain from mentioning names or personal details in open text fields so that the story cannot be attributed to a specific person.

We retain the stories for the duration of the project, as agreed upon with the storytellers (in accordance with the purpose), to achieve the project's goals and optimize our own work. Afterward, the data is deleted. The data related to experiences may be preserved for scientific research purposes.

By collecting stories, we gain insight into reality. Stories contain hidden information and knowledge that can be leveraged to identify desired changes and devise strategies to move forward. We explore and work on this during work sessions. When you collect stories over an extended period, you can effectively map out changes over time.

StoryConnect manages the dashboard. Clients can also have access, provided that privacy and confidentiality are ensured.

All stories are collected, meaning they are available, and you can always refer to an individual story. However, by looking at predefined reports at a meta level, you can quickly and easily identify where changes are occurring and where new signals emerge. From there, you can easily zoom in for more detailed exploration.

Our narrative points can be filled out in two ways: through an app or via a web app. In most projects, we only use the web app, which is a website that scales well on all devices (computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone).

Additionally, StoryConnect has its own app, as well as an app developed for Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

The apps from StoryConnect can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android.

The link to the App Store: StoryConnect app.
Dutch ID Monitor app playstore: StoryConnect app.
Dutch ID Monitor app from Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations in the App Store: DID Monitor.
Dutch ID Monitor app playstore: DID Monitor.

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